Edgware Primary School

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Aims and Ethos


At Edgware we believe that every member of our school community is respectful, aspirational and committed to life-long learning and excellence.

Our ambitious vision is to achieve excellence in Education to ensure that our children can succeed and thrive in the rapidly changing social and employment environments of the 21st Century. 

At Edgware we have 6 core values that we teach to our children

  • Respect
  • Tolerance
  • Honesty 
  • Resilience/perseverance
  • Kindness
  • Being Reflective

Our Golden Rules are:

  • Everyone has a right to learn and be safe
  • Show respect and good manners at all times
  • Care for everything and everyone
  • Always tell the truth & learn from mistakes

Aims and Ethos:

Our aims for the children and staff of Edgware Primary School are:

  • To be a safe, happy, caring community of learners
  • To help all individuals regardless of their race, gender or disability to acquire the skills and knowledge needed to achieve their full potential in a rapidly changing world
  • To develop understanding of and respect for a wide range of religious values, languages and cultural traditions and different ways of life
  • To develop critical thinking and independent learning 
  • To provide high aspirations and expectations for all
  • To encourage an enjoyment of life-long learning
  • To encourage positive parental and community involvement
  • To promote healthy lifestyles
  • To provide a curriculum that is stimulating, broad, balanced, innovative and creative
  • To celebrate achievement
  • We are an equal opportunities employer