Edgware Primary School

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School Uniform

Our school supplier is Uniform4Kids.

They supply a large number of schools and have been in business for many years.

You will be able to buy uniform:

  1. At sales in school so you can try the clothes on the children before you buy them.
  2. At the uniform shop, Howard Bros, 30 The Broadway, Mill Hill, NW7 3LL.
  3. By calling the shop on the phone. 020 8959 4987
  4. Online at   www.uniform4kids.com

Compulsory items are:

  • a sweatshirt or cardigan
  • a P.E t-shirt
  • book bag
  • P.E bag

all with the school logo.

You may choose where you buy any other items from.

As we want all children to look smart, we will expect that all children wear the correct uniform: grey trousers or skirts, white polo shirt with the school logo, school jumper or cardigan, black shoes, grey socks (for boys) and white socks (for girls) or grey tights. Children must also have the correct PE kit.