Edgware Primary School

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We want to work with you to ensure your child is at school everyday. Your child will achieve so much more by being in school regularly. 

School starts at 8:40am each day - please ensure your child is at school on time.

At Edgware Primary School the expectation is that every child will attend school for a minimum of 96% at any point in the school year, we are however looking to increase the number of children who attain 100% attendance.

We do not permit unauthorised absence and any parent taking children out of school during term time will be subject to a penalty notice and a fine therefore, please look at the term dates and ensure you do not book any holiday within the term time period. Despite the wonderful opportunities, exciting curriculum, specialist subjects, superb behaviour and hard work of almost everyone to ensure excellent progress, your child/ren will not make progress if they are not in school consistently. 

Every child that misses school is vulnerable and his/her progress and attaiment are likely to be affected negatively. It is also extremely unsettling. In order to reach 96% attendance, your child must not miss more than SIX days per YEAR. Please ensure your child gets the best with 100% attendance. 

Children’s attendance is monitored weekly. Any child who is below 96% will meet with the Head teacher and the Attendance lead. Those children whose attendance falls to 90% and below will be called into school to meet with the Pupil & Family Engagement Worker and/or Barnet Education Welfare Services.

Poor attendance is never acceptable. Remember that your child learns better with us than without us. We are here to support you and your child/ren so please let us know if you are struggling for any reason and we will do our best to support you. 

How To Inform The School

Please inform the office by 9.00am, the latest, by telephone 0208 952 1472 or alternatively email absence@edgwareprimary.co.uk, if your child is going to be absent from school.

If your child is off school for more than two days, you must provide us with a note/ prescription/appointment card from your child’s doctor in order for us to authorise the absence. You should not be charged by your doctor for this. If you want to give your child the best start; start by being in school.

Please also try to book doctors or dentists appointments after school. 

We celebrate good attendance each week with class certificates and a reward each term. Please work with us to ensure your child has the best opportunities to learn and develop. 

We look forward to having your child in school everyday and sharing their successes with you. 
