Edgware Primary School

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We aim to give all children the opportunity to explore and develop a deep understanding of the world developing a sense of excitement, foster links with their environment and a curiosity about natural phemomena. We want children to develop key knowledge and conceptual understanding. Our curriculum is designed to help children to think scientifically and to gain an understanding of scientific processes. From EYFS, our pupils will build up a body of key foundational knowledge and concepts. Our curriculum is sequenced so that children are building upon prior learning, with strands running across year groups and key stages to ensure depth and breadth of knowledge. Scientific vocabulary is taught and applied across lessons. Pupils are encouraged to talk about their understanding and pose questions to develop their thinking. 

We want children to:

  • Acquire scientific skills and processes.
  • Develop understanding and use of scientific language.
  • Develop the skills of investigation - including observing, measuring
  • Predict, hypothesise, experiment, communicate, interpret, explain and evaluate.
  • Develop the use of scientific language, recording and techniques.
  • Develop the use of ICT in investigating and recording.
  • Enable our children to become effective communicators of scientific ideas, facts and data.
  • Foster concern about, and active care for, our environment
  • Develop a natural curiosity and scientific approach to problems.

Children carry out investigations which involve the following enquiry approaches:

  • fair testing
  • research
  • observation over time
  • pattern seeking
  • identifying, grouping and classifying
  • problem solving

During these investigations they will develop the following key skills:

  • asking questions
  • making predictions
  • setting up tests
  • observing and measuring
  • recording data
  • interpreting and communicating results
  • evaluating


Pupils are taught science weekly, focusing on a topic for a block of time, allowing children to develop their knowledge and skills of the topic in depth. Each year group build upon prior learning and a development of a progression of skills. 

In the EYFS, children interact with their environment in order to explore, discuss, sort and make simple recordings, ask and answer questions.

KS1 children explore further, and are encouraged to question, investigate, measure and record information. 

KS2 children will demonstrate their understanding through observations, questioning, fair testing, making scientific predictions and will show their understanding and findings through data and other forms of presentation.

Children are given key vocabulary to support them with the topic. Teachers pre-assess the children's learning before they start the topic. This feeds in to the planning. Teachers use highly effective assesment for learning in each class to ensure misconceptions are highlighted and addressed. 

Children assess what they have learnt at the end of the topic. Any misconceptions are dealt with.

Educational visits, visitors to school are planned to enrich and enhance the pupil's learning experiences within the science curriculum. 

We have an annual Science Week where the children get to look at science in even more detail. 

We are also an accredited ECO school; we regularly encourage the children to learn more about their environment and take responsibility for making it a better place.