Edgware Primary School

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At Edgware, we teach children to develop a range of skills and knowledge in music. We want children to have an appreciation and love for music. We want to give children opportunities to explore different types of music and to express how they feel about it. We ensure children are taught key vocabulary so that they can talk about music confidently. This helps to consolidate and embed their conceptual understanding. We want children to think about how music makes them feel, express their likes and dislikes with reasons, make choices and think critically. 

We ensure children gain:

  • an ability to sing in tune and with other people
  • opportunities to sing acappella and alongside music
  • the skills of recognising pitch, duration, dynamics, tempo, timbre, texture
  • An ability to play instruments with control and sensitivity
  • knowledge about famous composers and other musicians
  • an ability to create their own music  through improvisation, composition and performance
  • Working with others to make music, recognising how individuals combine together to make sounds
  • A working knowledge of musical notation and how to compose music


Children have music once a week in class and also participate in a singing assembly once a week. We use the Charanga Music scheme. This scheme provides ' an integrated, practical, exploratory and child-led approach to musical learning'.  It enables our children to understand musical concepts through a repetition-based approach to learning. Learning about the same musical concept through different musical activities enables a more secure, deeper learning and mastery of musical skills. Alongside this, we also ensure that children get to participate in music festivals. Examples of this would be the Barnet Music Festival and Young Voices at the O2. 

The children are encouraged to join our choir and we also provide private music lessons by peripatetic teachers.