Edgware Primary School

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Through the study of geography, children can make sense of their surroundings and the wider world, developing both their environmental and social awareness. We teach both substantive and disciplinary knowledge. Geography is the study of places, the human and physical processes which shape them, and the people who live in them. We want children to build a comprehensive knowledge base. Skills and knowledge developed through geography help pupils to gain a greater understanding of the ways of life and cultures of other people and places. We want children to be able to use their knowledge to engage meaningfully with complex current issues including climate change and the geographical questions and data produced by professional geographers working in this field. 

Through our teaching of geography at Edgware, we aim to increase children’s knowledge and understanding of the changing world, and foster a sense of wonder, responsibility and respect for our environment, the earth, its people and resources. We aim to develop pupils’ competence in specific geographical skills (such as use of maps, aerial photographs, observation and data logging in field work, for example) and to stimulate pupils’ enthusiasm for, and curiosity about, their surroundings and the wider world. 


In every year group, Geography is taught in alternating half terms. This allows the children to spend time on a topic in depth. 

Geography is taught discretely. Units are carefully sequenced to allow pupils to build on their previous knowledge and develop a secure understanding of different geographical concepts.  Children are encouraged to ask questions, critically think, collect, analyse and communicate in a range of different ways with a range of different information and data. 

The curriculum is designed to start with 'themselves', their school and local area before learning about the wider world. 

Concepts are broken down to ensure a deep understanding. For example before learning about oceans we will identify what ponds, lakes, rivers and seas are.  

We ensure that we teach key vocabulary so that children can use this to support their learning and understanding. 

At the start of each unit children will review previous learning and will have the opportunity to share what they already know about a current topic. In order to support children in their ability to know more and remember more, there are regular opportunities to review the learning that has taken place in previous units as well as previous lessons.

We ensure that we teach locational, place, human and physical geography. As children develop their knowledge and skills in geography we want them to deepen their understanding of the interactions between the physical and human processes.